Therese Rules Apply for Server And Forum
Begging for any staff positions or free items will result in mute.
We do not tolerate unprovoked offensive language come to staff, we will help.
Posts should be atleast 1 line long or it will be refered to as spam.
Do not request anything except in the help or suggestions section.
Any password or item scamming will result in permban/ipban.
All bug abusing or any dupes will result in an immediate ipban.
Farren staff impersonation will not be tolerated do not believe anyone is admin without a crown.
Please do not macro or lure monsters (killing monsters you can't defeat and dying constantly).
Please do not spam the yell channel or normal gameplay channel, as it causes lag and makes valid statements unreadable.
Advertising will result in ipban please refrain from doing so.
Warning! You will be punished aswell if you do not report all rulebreaking seen!
Do not post in any sections of forums that are unrelated to the topic.
Do not use offensive language or use any programs which may harm the forum.
Please do not request reputation or even hint at it.
Please do not invade any players personal information or account settings.
Warning 1 = Warning
Warning 2 = Mute
Warning 3 = Permban
Warning 4 = Ipban
These may vary depending on the circumstances.
Begging = mute.
Offensive Language = Mute.
Item/Password Scamming = Permban/Ipban.
Bug abuse = Ipban.
Staff Impersonation = Ipban.
Macroing = Ipban.
Monster luring = Warning, if repeated permban.
Constant Spamming = Mute.
Advertising constantly = Ipban.
Not reporting all rulebreaking seen = Warning, if repeated Permban.
Asking for personal details after being warned = Ipban.